
Last Monday, the Raiffeisen Campus Dernbach held an exciting project day under the motto " Ton in Ton". The pupils were able to choose between various…

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Innovation & Sustainability Goerg & Schneider - since 1924

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At the end of April, some employees took part in the annual Brinkenlauf.

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We are celebrating 100 years and our entire team is celebrating with us!

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Thank you for visiting us at Ceramitec in Munich and for your interest in our company! We hope that you were inspired by our innovations and were able…

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Three pupils from Heinrich-Roth Realschule+ in Montabaur got to know Goerg & Schneider as part of a two-week school internship. The 8th graders gained…

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The anniversary year has begun. A banner on the administration building commemorates the company's 100th anniversary.

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Visit us at Ceramitec in Munich! Our stand is located in hall A5, stand number 301. Come by and let our team advise you. We look forward to your…

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When a child is born in a family, everyone is happy. Even the colleagues and the management at G&S. So that the children come into contact with clay…

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The management would like to thank all customers, employees, suppliers and business partners for the good cooperation and trust they have placed in us…

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In 1998, the companies Stephan Schmidt KG (SSKG), Dornburg and Goerg & Schneider GmbH u. Co. KG (G&S) decided to found a joint company,…

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G&S took part in the vocational training day for secondary schools in the area with current trainees and young managers. The five different…

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Mit einer Betriebsführung wurde die Jahrgangsstufe 8 mit Schwerpunkt Technik im Werk Boden begrüßt. Den interessierten Jugendlichen wurde von den…

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The trainees' traditional environment day started in the newly acquired "Zimmermann" storage facility, where shrubs were planted on the wall of the…

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Geschäftsleitung, Mitarbeiter/innen, deren Partner und Kinder feierten zusammen ein fröhliches Familienfest. Bei herrlichem Sommerwetter gab es…

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Leo Pichler and Mario Sofia are the managing directors of the Swiss manufactory Swisskeramik in Sarnen. Both actively manage the traditional company,…

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After almost 46 years of professional life and 15 of them in the service of the company Goerg and Schneider, it was time to say goodbye.

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This year, the following people were honoured for 10 years of service: Anna Wirth, Gerd Radermacher, Nicole Pfeiffer. Christine Röhl and Werner…

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For the new training year we welcome: - Emelie Zimmermann for the apprenticeship "Prüftechnologin". - Cedric Kukat as "Industriekeramiker". …

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Raw Material Day 2022: Climate change and digitalization - challenges for securing the supply of raw materials

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A total of 4 young employees successfully passed their final examinations in their apprenticeship jobs as industrial business management assistant,…

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Biodiversity is the foundation of life on earth and a prerequisite for sustainabledevelopment.

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Perfect for Mother's Day or a birthday.

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Im Vorfeld der Tongewinnung, die einen Natureingriff insbesondere im Wald bedeutet, führt G&S sorgfältige Planungen mit Experten durch, um den…

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Clay is a natural product, the white gold from the Westerwald. We have been extracting this raw material since 1924 and prepare it for a wide range of…

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As part of its strategic focus on the ceramic brick and clinker industry, G&S has acquired the "Zimmermann" open pit clay mine near Staudt/WW together…

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After 25 working years for G&S, Mr. Werner Stendebach has entered his well-earned retirement. As head of the Technical Service he trained numerous…

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Zu Jahresbeginn erhalten wir tatkräftige Unterstützung von neuen Mitarbeiter/innen.

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Goerg & Schneider attaches great importance to energy efficiency. The company has had an energy management system in place since 2012 and was awarded…

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As of 1 January 2022, Goerg & Schneider GmbH u. Co. KG will take on the operative responsibility for the Langweiden plant in Beselich-Obertiefenbach…

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Dino, a Parson-Russel Terrier, has taken up his place in the office and immediately claimed the manager's chair for himself. As a permanent companion…

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We continue working on the reduction of the CO2 emission. Today Goerg & Schneider was provided with a new electro forklift LINDE E30 This vehicle…

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Since 2011, the Federal Government, universities, companies and private sponsors have been working together to support young talents. Thousands of…

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A great artist and friend has passed away. He will live on in his beautiful works.

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With the retirement of Alois Ritz, Mrs. Ruth Breuer takes over the position as dispatch manger.

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The management thanks all customers, employees, suppliers and business partners for the good cooperation in the past demanding business year. The…

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The management thanks the long-standing employees for their company loyality. These ladies have been working in the field of ceramic bodies for 10…

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"During my 4-week internship at G&S I was able to work on some very interesting, current and important topics such as safety assessments of the mining…

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Environmental protection starts on the doorstep- thus on the premises of G&S. And no vocational school has to be cancelled for this – in the past…

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The CDU county council group is currently visiting medium-sized companies in order to listen to their worries and needs - especially in times of…

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Also in this year, two young people have started their apprenticeship in our company.

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The Corona crisis poses an enormous challenge for freelance artists, potters, cultural institutions and studios. Many struggle for existence. Despite…

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A mobile suitcase filled with miniature exhibits from the clay processing industry, clay samples, experimental utensils and a folder filled with…

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The up-to-date expertise of the G&S’s employees is ensured by regular participation in external seminars.

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On the occasion of the company‘s Christmas celebration, Elisabeth Hommrich, Magdalena Benner as well as Andreas Bösch (absent) were honoured for 10…

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The management of Goerg & Schneider thanks all customers, employees, suppliers and business partners for the good cooperation in the past year.

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The trainees of G&S participated again in the career information day of the secondary schools of this region.

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G&S mourn the loss of Walter Goerg

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On 08.11.2019 the trainees of Goerg & Schneider will again participate in the career information day in Montabaur.

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The members of the newly elected local council Boden were guests on the European Minerals day at Goerg & Schneider.

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At first glance nothing unusual for children from the Westerwald, because many clay pits belong to the image of the region.

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Our administration has moved to a new office.

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On 01 August, two new trainees started their apprenticeship in the company.

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Since the beginning of the German scholarship in 2011, G&S has supported talented and motivated students with an annual contribution of € 1,800.--.

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This year, company Goerg und Schneider enabled me a language trip to England.

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The region of southern Westerwald is in its truest sense, a rich land, and so particularly suitable for the establishment of a themed walking trail.

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Agentur für Arbeit zeichnet Familienbetrieb für sein Engagement aus

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The 4th Generation Steps up in the Family Company GOERG & SCHNEIDER

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A delegation of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR)…

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On the occasion of a ceremony in the Ceramic Museum Westerwald, price money and scholarships were awarded by the Alexander-Tutsek-Foundation.

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In the course of long-term succession planning, management and colleagues welcome the fourth generation, Florian Goerg, into the family company.

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