Sanitary ware

Modern sanitary ceramics speak the language of design and style. Sophisticated and complex structures require a feasible raw material solution to address any technical challenges in production.

Our customers prefer white-burning and clays with a suitable grain size fraction curve for the production of sanitary ware sourced from Goerg & Schneider, with their excellent casting properties, good fire resistance and an adapted rheology.

Ideal casting properties: We offer ready-made raw materials (clay blends, pellets) suitable for a wide variety of technologies and casting techniques. We also supply chamottes that are highly valued in the industry for their technical characteristics and defined grain curves. We are therefore a one-stop source offering tailor-made raw material solutions for any application.

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Your raw material partner for...


Goerg & Schneider

In addition to picking the right raw material, the complex setting of rheological properties in production often requires personal contact and a motivated workforce. Again, we are committed to deliver top class quality and service. Learn more